Academic Human Resources
Emily Joan Johnson
- Title
- Assistant Dean, Planning and Personnel
- Phone
- 831-459-2912
- Campus Email
Jackie Davila
- Title
- Academic HR/Payroll Supervisor
- Campus Email
Hannah Lucille Hamilton
- Title
- Academic HR Analyst
- Campus Email
Jenifer Rose Sosa
- Title
- Academic HR Analyst
- Campus Email
Heather Greer Cortez
- Title
- AHR Analyst
- Campus Email
Renee Elise Taylor
- Title
- AHR Analyst
- Phone
- 2792285262
- Campus Email
Jenny Garcia List
- Title
- Academic HR Analyst
- Phone
- 000-000-0000
- Campus Email
Academic personnel policies
Academic Personnel is governed by a complex set of policies and procedures at both the system-wide and campus-wide levels. The Academic Personnel Manual (APM) provides a general overview of the system-wide policies. The Campus Academic Personnel Manual (CAPM) provides detailed information regarding our campus’ implementation of the system-wide policies.
The UCSC Academic Personnel Office (APO) maintains a comprehensive website with information regarding academic personnel policy, forms, links to online systems, salary scales, and more. Of course, as with any website, it can sometimes be challenging to find the answers to your questions. In an attempt to help you find what you are looking for, we have provided links to some of the most common topics in academic personnel. However, please do not hesitate to contact our staff members with any questions you may have.
(policy does not pertain to academic student titles)
- Academic Recruitment Policies and Procedures: overview of the academic recruitment process (applicable to all academic titles).
Appointment and advancement of senate faculty members
- CAPM 400.220 Professor Series: general information regarding the Professor Series. This policy includes information such as criteria for appointment to the Professor Series, terms of service for each of the three ranks, and eligibility for the various types of reviews.
- CAPM 404.220 Appointment, Reappointment, and Non-reappointment: information on the appointment process for Ladder Rank Faculty and information regarding the reappointment and non-reappointment of Assistant Professors.
- Campus CALL Information: those seeking information regarding faculty personnel reviews are encouraged to begin with this page on the UCSC APO website.
- Access to Prior Reviews Policy
Appointment and advancement of other academic titles
- Professional Researchers: appointment, reappointment, and merit and promotion review information for this academic title.
- Research Fellows and Research Scholars: information regarding this academic title. These are courtesy/without salary appointments.
- Visiting Scholars and Other Visitors (Students): information regarding this academic title. These are courtesy/without salary appointments.
- Specialists: appointment, reappointment, and merit and promotion review information for this academic title.
- Postdoctoral Scholars: comprehensive overview for the Postdoctoral Scholars appointment title.
- Academic Coordinators: comprehensive overview for the Academic Coordinator appointment title.
- Graduate Student Researchers (GSR), Readers, and Tutors: policy information regarding these non-represented student titles.
- Academic Student Employees (ASE): Teaching Assistants, Associates In-, and Teaching Fellows: policy information regarding these represented student titles.
Bargaining Units Contacts
- Academic Student Employees Unit (ASE): union contract for Teaching Assistants, Associates In-, and Teaching Fellows.
- Non-Senate Instructional Unit (Unit 18): union contract for Lecturers (Pre-six and Continuing), Teacher Supervisors, Coordinator of Field Work, and Teacher Special Programs.
- Postdoctoral Scholars Unit.
- Santa Cruz Faculty Association.
Academic student employee appointment forms
- Reader/Tutor Request Form: complete this form to appoint a Reader or Tutor.
- Teaching Assistant (TA): location of department spreadsheets used to appoint TA’s.
- Instruction Policy on the Appointment and Use of Graduate Instructors: complete the GSI request form to appoint GSIs. Please be sure to read the guidelines in their entirety.
- Division of Social Sciences Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) Document Inventory: complete this form for all GSI appointments.
- Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) Appointment Information: instructions and form for all GSR appointments.