
xFiles: Social Sciences’ Secure Shared Drive

About xFiles

The xFiles are Social Sciences’ Secure Shared Drive which provides essential shared drive file storage and supports reliable, consistent backup/restore services. 

xFiles consists of ten separate departmental servers that support instruction, research, and administrative needs. xFiles also allows you to share your files with others, accessible from anywhere, including off-campus, and supports Macs and PCs. xFiles has its own rigorous and proven backup plan that will keep your vital data safe.

xFiles servers and folders

DepartmentServer NameProject Folder
Environmental Studiesenvs-files.ucsc.eduENVS-Projects
Latin American/Latino Studieslals-files.ucsc.eduLALS-Projects
Sociologysocy-files.ucsc.eduSOCY-Projects or CMMU-Projects


  • In order to access xFiles from off-campus or not using campus wifi, you’ll need to make sure to use the UCSC VPN.
  • OR you can connect while on campus once you are connected to a secure campus internet connection.

How to connect your Macintosh to xFiles

1. Click on Finder icon.

Finder icon from Mac programs

2. Once Finder is open, press the Cmd key (⌘) and the letter k at the same time, and then you will see a window open asking for the Server Address at the top.

The image is exactly what is described in the previous text.
Colors may vary.

3. In the window, in the first input, labeled Server Address, type smb:// followed by your Server Name from this table. Then click the “Connect” button.

For example, for Sociology, you would type: smb://

The image is exactly what is described in the previous text.
Colors may vary.

4. A new window will open. Select the second radio button, labeled Registered User, then for Name: enter your CruzID, and for Password: enter your Gold Password.

The image is exactly what is described in the previous text.

5. The xfile shared drive you selected will now be in the left column in any Finder window until you disconnect from VPN or the campus server.

Congratulations! You have connected to xFiles on a Mac!

The image is exactly what is described in the previous text.
Colors may vary.

How to connect your PC to xFiles

1. Select Start/window icon and type “Control Panel” in the search box. Open the “Control Panel

window icon for Start menu on a PC

2. Select “User Accounts

The image is exactly what is described in the previous text.

3. Under “Credential Manager,” open “Manage Windows Credentials

The image is exactly what is described in the previous text.

4. Click on “Add a Windows Credential

5. Follow the steps below in the Add a Windows Credential Window:

  • In “Internet or Network Address” field, enter your department’s Server Name: You can find the Server Name here.
  • In the “User name:” field, you will type “AU\” followed by your CruzID field.
  • In the “Password:” field, enter your Gold Password then click OK.

The image is exactly what is described in the previous text.

6. Once this is done, open up file explorer, such as by clicking “This PC” on your desktop, and look to the left side of the window for This PC. You might need to scroll down on the left side column. Right click This PC. This will open up a list of options. Click Map network drive.

  • This will open up a new window.
  • For Drive: type P: as it will give access to the communal projects.
  • In the Folder: field, type \\\SERVER-Projects, replacing with the correct address from the Server Name column and replacing SERVER-Projects with the correct folder from the Project Folder column from the Servers Names and Project Folders.
  • Note: Reconnect at sign-in should NOT be selected for a device you share with a co-worker.
  • Click Finish.

This may be enough to launch your connection to the xFiles!

You may need to redo the above steps if you get disconnected from xFiles.

Once connected

Congratulations! While you are connected, you should be able to click into the folder you wish to access. It should be located in the left hand column under This PC, in any window which lists folders and locations on your computer. You will need to redo the above steps if you get disconnected from xFiles.

If you need to map xfiles to your home folder:

1. Once this is done, map to your Home. Reopen up file explorer and look to the left side of the window and right click This PC.

  • This will open up a list of options. Click Map network drive which will open up a new window.
  • For Drive: field, type H: as it will give access to your home folder within the server
  • In the Folder: section, type \\\CRUZID, replacing with the correct address from the Server Name column from Server Names. Next, replace CRUZID with your CruzID.
  • Note: Reconnect at sign-in should NOT be selected for a device you share with a co-worker.
  • Click Finish.
Image is exactly what the proceeding text says.
Colors may vary.
The image is exactly what is described in the previous text.
Decorative: UCSC Mascot using a computer

Contact us

If you are part of Social Sciences Faculty and Staff and you need help with this or other Computing and IT, email us at 

Last modified: Feb 19, 2025